not on par with you ... I used to be bad but not now and that large amount of kills stops my kd from moving to much
Excuses we were all terrible in September Also my trials kd on my Titan is better than any of your toons I'm simply better than you in crucible and I suck Come up with all the excuses you want it won't change a thing
Lol I get paid to carry ppl through trials or use to lol and on its_believe I went as a 28 and got wrecked but wow one game mode out of 12 must be proud?
Actually more than 2 game modes I have a higher kd than you (which truly is sad since trials is the important one and I'm wrecking you hardcore with all three characters) and your trials kd is absolutely GARBAGE an 11 year old wouldn't even want to be carried by you...let alone pay for it lol Again this is coming from someone who sucks in crucible You say your good yet your stats are comparable...think about your life for a second:)
Again that 2.4 kd though .... Drops mic and 2 out of 12 come on bro
Check your stats again your throwing random numbers 2 out of 12? Your kd in every game mode is trash and comparable to mine, which again like I've said is sad. the only important game mode I own you in and your 2.4 (which I'll guess you camp to get since literally not a single other game mode comes close, like at all. You can barely hold a 1.5 kd in every single game mode) All in all I'd say you were....on par at best;)
Clash 2.29 rumble a 3.5 kd ... Damn
Edited by Joe4Gionz: 9/30/2015 7:32:09 PMWhere on your buddies account that you posted a link to:) Edit: here my other account
Those are the stats I want lol but you were saying what about its_believe 2.29 in clash and his 3.5 in rumble lol
I'm saying you suck compared to him and you suck compared to me Also it's believe sucks in game modes he can't camp in lol at his .25 kd in trials
He's on of the greatest and I went into trails as a lvl 28... It only took 2 matches for me to realize I wasn't ready... And .... I camp in rumble... I won most of them
So basically all this arguing to admit you suck as much as I do
I'm better than you and my rumble kd is high than triples lol but you are nowhere close loser lol compared me to one of the best and I stacked up a little bit lol
Not even close if anything stack me up to "one of the best" and I'll destroy him and you in trials:) Again camping for a good kd doesn't make you stack up lol how old are you
I'll pick up destiny for my Xbone Friday and let's talk about it there
How do you camp in rumble and win?
Buddy get over it I'm better than you at every single aspect of destiny including crucible now.
Lol what ever say doctor Mediocre
That's literally what I would expect from someone defeated Also lol at aspiring to have someone else's kd real sad man
Lol look at yours and not about his stats it's his skill I wanna be the best and mayb I will but mayb I won't but I'll damn sure get close and you don't even have valid argument comparing to greatness that cool kid thanks
Bro do you even crucible?
That's evident but my the amount of kills and I have and rumble bro
Lol you really are the most butthurt hunter ive ever met..and that's saying something
And you are the one stupid enough to argue with me ... Then compare to greatest I'm honored
I didn't compare you I said you suck lol