WHAT UP, so me and my clan have recently found a new op glitch for the Titan. while in your new subclass, sun breaker, you can throw 6-7 hammers per super, this new glitch allows you to throw anywheres between 20-30 hammers and it's super easy ! Here's how to do it ! While in your super click L2, R2 , L1, R2 all at the same time and rapidly hit them thus throwing enough hammers to make even MC HAMMER jealous, give it a shot hammer time in the crucible or hammer time oryx to rubble ! -xOgnate (PSN)
You're a little late on this one bruh. Also, stop telling people to use it in PvP. Keep your hammer spam in PvE where it belongs. Don't run around PvP being a glitch-exploiting little bitch. This isn't Ashes to Assets and we're not Hunters. Stahp.