I want hammer of sol nerfed but before you say some bull about how op we use to be hear me out. Just
A lot ppl think I want the whole super nerfed... I just want them to lose about 15 -25 health so snipers and golden gun bullets can kill him
Almost 2,000 damn
You're going to get a lot of titans replying to this. I can see both sides of the story, they want an effective ranged super, but we all want it balanced. So why can't they do it like golden gun where you get 3 or maybe with an exotic helmet you get 4? That would seem a fair way to deal with it rather than hammer spam for the duration of the super. I mean who'd be happy to see a voidwalker have the ability to chuck purple junk for the same duration as a hammer of sol. He'd be shitting orbs all over the map and op as hell. So all in all I don't think bungie have thought this one through properly or even play tested this? Or maybe they are truly just daft!!?