Yeah but losing 3 seconds off your super doesn't mean you have to balance all other classes
Losing 3 seconds and some damage resistance makes titans super balanced with other supers. If you're gonna balance that then u must balance other abilities as well which are blink and longer range melee. Titans are still in general weaker than warlocks and hunters in pvp even with an op super
You just said what I suggested would make it balanced. And blink got nerfed
Yes, what you suggested makes the super balanced, but other abilities are still much weaker on a titan. Blink got nerfed but still is very useful, and also shotgun/melee is probably the most way to get kills in the crucible, however a titan usually cant land a melee after the shotgun hit since titan's melee range is very short, shouldnt that be balanced? What im trying to say is that yes HoS is kinda op (not in all situations) and it should stay op to cover the lack of other abilities on a titan (especially the melee)
Yes I agree that Titan melee is to short and should get buffed and that sunbreakers are good in most situations