I want hammer of sol nerfed but before you say some bull about how op we use to be hear me out. Just
A lot ppl think I want the whole super nerfed... I just want them to lose about 15 -25 health so snipers and golden gun bullets can kill him
Almost 2,000 damn
I agree. As a warlock main, the only way of me killing a sunbreaker is with my super or with my bad juju (aslong as they're across the map from me and i have the damage bonus for getting a kill before, even the though it's 50/50). Somthing needs to happen and fast. The hunters and warlock subclasses, no matter what anyone says, have had ways to be counteracted without the use of a super. This does not. In CQC, not even a shot packeged/range finder matador will win, and they can easily kill a blade dancer or storm caller. Soon enough it will just become do OP that everyone goes titan and PvP events like IB and ToO just become boring!