please address the reasoning behind locking out Armsday orders at 5AM/2AM EST/PST on Sunday?
This seems totally unnecessary & smacks of the same kind of arbitrary progress limiter/wall that commendations served, weekly mark limits, etc. ... In other words, it seems like you're trying to limit our ability to place orders, perhaps in attempt to reduce the user base from cycling through legendaries too quickly? Whatever the reason, it takes one of the most exciting new features of the game & renders it straight up frustrating & infuriating.
Seriously: missing an order window, only to have to wait an entire week is really infuriating. Giving us a THREE DAY window to carry around weapon coupons (up to 3 or more per character) that can't be stored or repurchased is infuriating! I understand WHY the coupons are there... so we are guaranteed to have space for the new weapons... but all the more reason to give us as much time to place our orders as possible!
Can someone from the Dev team PLEASE address this? It's been discussed on Reddit, it's been brought up on the forums.
Someone PLEASE answer .., explain this system better or consider changing it to benefit the community.
Edited by Kone19ps: 9/29/2015 10:00:42 PMThey didn't even announce this was happening. Me and a few others brought it up on the forums then suddenly the help article was ninja changed and we all looked like idiots. But you're right it's just arbitrary to stunt progress and add perceived value through inconvenience