If you were on Xbox one I could send you the video from my captures. Have you used Juju recently? Half a clip took his shields down and a few more bullets took his health down enough to die from a sunstrike( melee). It was point blank as well. Just because you can't counter the super doesn't mean someone else can't. It's not hard.
No. You cannot kill a sunbreaker mid super with something other than team shot, two shots minimum of a special, heavy ammo, another super, or some gernades [b]UNLESS[/b] the sunbreaker simply sucks and can not aim
Well Since you're on Xbox one(?) I'll send you the video. If I figure out how to upload it here I will. It was mono e mono, missed his first hammer and it was over for him.
Bru trust I can I was just saying it's unlikely not that you didn't I've hit tens on one with a red death I assumed from the seat ails you told me that the encounter started from mid range and I have an Xbox also bro gt believe I'm dope
Cool, I'll send it once I'm off work. 7:30 est time. The encounter started mid then ended up close, prob why I was doing max damage.
Send it to me too, I wanna see you kill a sun breaker one v one with a bad juju
https://account.xbox.com/en-us/gameclip/1f783fdf-990a-4898-a33e-ec4de81052d9?gamerTag=UnshodCougar&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469 Take a link for now.
Will do! Like I said I get off at 7 est so I'll be on around 8pm eastern.
I'm buying destiny for my xbone this weekend if love to do pvp with you I have to psn accounts one with a 1.3 kd and one with a 2.4
Of course bro always looking for more people to PVP with.