I want hammer of sol nerfed but before you say some bull about how op we use to be hear me out. Just
A lot ppl think I want the whole super nerfed... I just want them to lose about 15 -25 health so snipers and golden gun bullets can kill him
Almost 2,000 damn
Arrr ya ready, scrubs? Aye, Aye, Bungie! I can't heeeearrrr yooouuuu!!! AYE, AYE, BUNGIE!!! Oooooohhhhhh... Who lives in the Raid Area under the Reef? Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! Annoying and glitchy and laggy is he? Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! If useless materials are something you wish... Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! The join in mid-raid, and whine like a b*tch! Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! SpongeBoss NerfPants, SpongeBoss NerfPants, SpongeBoss NerfPants, SpongeBooosssssss NerfPaaaaaaants
Edited by Aversion: 9/30/2015 12:48:24 AMWhether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Scrubs on Bungie.net. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Believe Im Dope, from what I can gather, he commands the Butthurts from a cry baby thread just outside of #Destiny. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out and break their grip on the Complainers
Killed three just the other morning by myself. Ghally still one shots them My fusion plus a melee My shotty plus melee Nova bomb works , IMO using my super to take out another super and still be alive is a good trade off no matter what super I took down I saved teammates Can you rush them like you did a blade dancer? No you can't but it can be done. Please quit screaming for nerfs. Everything so far I've seen has been alright. Nothing to powerful nothing to under powered. You win some you lose some simple as that. Timing and such play just as big a part as skill.
I didn't read your post. I am just agreeing with you.
Sunbreaker has literally ripped this community to shreds lmao. -blam!- this I'm going back to off topic.
I don't know about you but I find it easier to snipe out a sunbraker than a blade dancer
So you were dumb enough to melee a shotgunning guardian in bladedance, instead of using razors edge, and because titans aren't dumb enough to get within shotgun range to hit you with our super, the super is OP and yours is bad....yup definitely the super, not the players.
Edited by Deathbyjeloshot: 9/30/2015 1:24:47 AM***ugh*** Yet ANOTHER HoS nerf thread... Another added to the Whiners Brigade...
Because crucible is terrible lol
I don't know about you but I find it easier to snipe out a sunbraker than a blade dancer
The only thing I find annoying about titans is the fact that they can survive a golden gun shot
Edited by Ultra: 9/30/2015 12:46:10 AMI've beaten HoS in a 1v1 4 times without my super, GOML.
Yupp, pretty much.
I win all the time with Hammer of Sol. Nightstalker Evade + Fusion Rifle/Shotgun Combo Hunter/Warlock Blink + Shotgun Combo Nightstalker SHADOWSHOT SUPPRESSION Titan SUPRESSION GRENADES. Titan Shoulder Charge w/ Exotic Boots that do even more Shoulder Charge Damage Hunter + Backstab Blink Strink Sniper....oh...hmmm...aim at their HEAD after you wait a few seconds after a Titan Hammer of Sol activation/animation is completed so their invulnerable shield on super spawn is off. Team Work? Team Shot? Focus Fire on an single individual? Can't be tooo difficult. I could go on... Use the utilities we ALL are given. Eveything....and Anything..[b] Can be countered[/b]. Diclaimer: I main a Hunter. I hardly get killed by a Hammer of Sol when I've been braced and have heard the Anvil ignite in the distance. Up close...it becomes a challenge. But...i always keep my Shadowshot ready for the worst of scenarios.
Never beat a blade dancer/stormcaller/nightstalker/fist of havoc/armor of light defender/sunsingerin a small room with no super What's your point?
Question, why are we resorting to a 1v1 scenario for balancing in a [u]team[/u] game. If you lose with your super in a 1v1 to begin with, you should already start reconsidering your approach. On the larger scale, a super should be balanced around its team play. If you pop your Golden Gun and got reKt (yes, with a capital K.) by someone who was prepared for it, you telegraphed it too easily. When that happens, switch it up and use Golden Gun in the middle of a team fight with the chaos as your cover. I lose to the Sunbreaker super every time, and thats because they catch me with my pants around my ankles in the middle of nowhere, [b]alone.[/b] Do I cry nerf? No, because I messed up royally by splitting from my team. So heres a better scenario, if a team of 5 can focus fire and kill a Blade Dancer - under the pressure of watching everyone die one by one to stop it - why can't the same be done for a Sunbreaker? Since all I've seen in the Crucible is my team gawk like idiots at the oncoming storm, while I'm the only one trying to protect the team by trying to take down the threat. tl;dr The super may be powerful, but the only reason no one can beat it is because we're all playing separate games at the same time, instead of grouping up to survive.
Im sorry the hammer made you butt hurt
Proud hammer spammer, and will savour every tear of yours.
Everyone wasting there time like it's not going to get nerfed. It's ridiculous. Not only that but after it gets nerfed the posts bitching about it getting nerfed.
Yes, you are.
[quote] Once you calmed the hell down did you notice that if you stood your ground that I could be easily knocked out of my super in a 1v1? [/quote] gunslinger vs me with no super? ya i doubt it you think i can go all matrix and dodge that stuff? you have 3-4 bullets, long range, accurate, explosive bullets and if your not a gunslinger, it is easier to kill u but when u r slicing up team mates left and right with constant health regen it's almost impossible
Edited by UncleDaddy: 9/29/2015 9:38:44 PMI have. Hammers are not instant and can be easily strafed. Beat a sunbreaker by myself with Bad Juju and melee. Here's a link. https://account.xbox.com/en-us/gameclip/1f783fdf-990a-4898-a33e-ec4de81052d9?gamerTag=UnshodCougar&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469