[b]it's about midnight and the streets are quiet [/b]
[spoiler]which bounty?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Um... The one about a journal It is down in the chat somewhere about someone texting somethings to everyone, and he says what it is That is kinda where it is to explain.[/spoiler] [b][u]Mi Lie[/u][/b] I see you, and ask you... "Do you know where this man was held?" I ask, as I say _____ prision. [spoiler]Bagel told me to say that, since it's up too you[/spoiler]
[General Alexia]"no we don't"
"Do you know where I can find where it is?" I ask
"Perhaps what..." I say, as my wings move around, almost as if they are bored...
"Why are you here?"
"A favor..." I say..
"And why would we help you?"