Decrypt everything with your highest level char exclusively and take advantage of benefits of moveable gear (guns and ghost). You can use one character's stuff to level up same slot for other characters (ie warlock gear to level your titan's purple gloves). I have gotten up to 298 blues from CoO and know they drop as high as 300. Stick with it!
So I'm clear here... you mean swap one toons engrams over to the higher level toon to unwrap? that works?
Yep. Make sure your in orbit when you equip it, or at least leave the tower and come back before you decrypt them. Apparently it doesn't register the changed stats until you load new locations. That's just rumors, though, so who knows. Doesn't hurt to do it really, though.
It seemed to work perfectly for me. Once I decoded an item that helped my light level, I equipped it and then the next item to decode was ALWAYS one for another slot. For example, if I got some new gloves with higher light, I would choose a helm or boots.
Good point... maybe maybe not... jumping to orbit isn't that big of a deal. thanks
Nice, Thanks for the tip was about to start working on my 2 and 3 toons tonight
If you have 1 at 290+ to start, it is very easy to get the others to the same level! Good luck
Sooo... works for weapons... not gear... gear all picked up by Warlock... all decoded to Titan gear... luckily i didn't have too many blues...
Sounds like a lot of moving engrams and swapping toons, but should be quicker than two weeks of grind. Good luck to you as well buddy