Only at night I mean I think it would be a lot of fun
It's a star you dingus. [spoiler]This post gave me cancer.[/spoiler]
You people thinking he was serious are really off your rocker.
Edited by Marcel16DM: 10/11/2015 1:49:39 AMSun isn't a planet idiot
So should the شبلضبيتياشلثتقهفمسزينباثعفعثغخقحعحفعثاسابووطزيابثنغهقكهقاسزيويلينلتيتلنفعغكعخعخثلسديزظربتيتلتثنفعتبزبر
So should your mothers underwear, I understand they are both massive but the sun is a little ridiculous and unlike the sun, everyone has already explored your mothers underwear. I understand they must both be extremely hot in climate to be in but the sun really...
I agree.
Yeah and do it when it's winter too.
Op is obviously a dumbass. No satire hashtag.
Unoriginal, at least have made it Pluto.
At night......go 2 school
Trying to copy famous posts I see..
So funny how everybody takes this post seriously *facepalm*
I know this is a joke, but it's not funny at all. Sun is a star. Created by two fundamental forces of universe, dumbass.
I mean only if u want to explore me
Edited by Matthew McConaughey: 10/10/2015 11:44:19 PMI don't think u went to school. It's a gaseous plant and isn't solid and also the fact that even at night it's exactly the same. Guuuuuuuardian use your braiiiiiiiiin yesssssss?
Hey... Is fire hot when it's dark out? Think about it...
Why don't you go there first?
Edited by Post Trombone: 10/10/2015 11:32:53 PMOnly at night!? What does that even mean!? That doesn't even make any sense!
Yeah.... Go explore that.... "Planet"
Planet ... Its a freakin STAR u dumb shit head
That would be fun.
Are you cra.... Umm yeah, go explore it for us ;)
Tell you what. You go to the sun at "night". You explore it. I'll sit here and maintain that your guardian and everything on them should be deleted. Because you just tried to land on a star.
I see no #satire. Is this a dump OP or forgetful one.
There is no night on the sun copernicus. The moon blocking our sun is what causes night and day. The sun is a raging inferno of millions of degrees.