Would be nice to have a consumable to give something like 10 minutes of "Hive Sight" to see invisible ledges without pulling out the ghost.
This could be sold by Eris Morn and maybe grants her hive connection for a brief amount of time. Maybe call it "Three of Eyes" and have it cost 3 black wax idols/hadium flakes/wormspore or something like that.
It would be pretty cool if maybe other invisible things were added to coincide with this patch update to make it fun. Perhaps extra loot chests, or be able to see hive/taken mobs through walls like you can see when you are dead. Also be able to see cloaked Taken like the Vex big guys. (name is escaping me right now).
Bump. I had the wrong tags and this didn't appear at all. Hopefully it will appear now.