Seriously? I can't get anything above 295 to spawn. The highest purple I have gotten is 298
Edit: This includes CoO
Edit 2: I am at 291 light I usually get equips anywhere between 265 and 292 light equips. This included CoO (even in tier 3), decoding engrams, and Heroic Strikes. I do however appreciate that people are at least trying to help me out with this.
Edit 3: Went and ground CoO since I had a ton of runes. Got up to 294! Really do appreciate the advice people.
I got a 300 blue heavy
Engrams are based off your light level
I got a 300 cloak from an engram in CoO.
Got a 299 shotgun
I once got a blue 300 handcannon. I infused that bitch into my Gemini first chance I got.
Lol I got a 299 blue helmet
Court of Oryx
I have a 299 blue sidearm :)
It's so bad, I've had several 300 blues drop as well as 296 and 298
Court of Oryx usually gives me 1 usable blue out of 20+ engrams. Fastest way to produce engrams as well.
i'm getting random drops from 290-297; including patrol
Seriously? They just drop for me.
I got a 300 blue artifact. I infused it with my current one.
Edited by Joy Boy: 9/28/2015 7:25:54 PMI know CoO Tier 2 drops 297 blues
The first 5 or so strikes in a streak give me garbage, the next few is where I get the big blues.
While in orbit, put on your highest ranked gear and then go to a cryptarch to decrypt engrams. Although some gear might appear at the light level you got that engram at, you have a chance to get gear at a light level equal or greater to what your current level is. That's how I got my 295 blues. I then infuse my legendary gear and just repeat. Worked well for me so far. I've gotten a few 300 and 290+ gear.
Edited by TrulyDontCare: 9/28/2015 7:24:54 PMI've gotten some lucky blues on strikes. M y highest was a 300 primary. Normally, I can't get anything above 295, but I'll occasionally get a 297 or 298. That's very rare, though. Always equip your highest gear before turning in engrams. That's really important!
Luck. And the light level of the character opening them factors in. I've seen 300's drop. I hear that 301 has also dropped but can't confirm. Also heroic strikes and CoO seem to drop high level blues fairly regularly.
Same all the legendaries I get are 277
When you play any mode but especially PvP be sure to be wearing your highest rated gear as it will drop you stuff based on that. If you are one of those guys running around Crucible with 170 hand cannons and shotguns you will get dropped low level garbage.
Just luck, get a ton of engrams and hope you get one
CoO and heroic strikes I get them pretty frequently Especially 300 level runes
Got a 300 blue sidearm at light 275 or so, just random I guess.
I got a blue scout rifle to drop at 299. I have not done raid. Just get your light to its absolute highest level - and turn in tons of engrams.
got a 298 Seraph II blue