I'm not bashing on Titans, I want to know what makes Sunbreaker a balanced sub-class. We know what makes Sunbreaker a "OP" subclass so my question to all of you is what makes it balanced.
Edit 1: Why is this being downvoted?
Edit 2: Some of you need to realize that I'm simply asking a question, nothing more.
It's only "OP" if you run towards a sunbreaker like a tard, I've came across so many people trying to kill me while I had the super+cauterize on, it's a pain to see so many idiots not running, when I see a super I run my ass away, jumping and such so the hammers miss and the super goes away quicker. [spoiler]Please don't go solo against a sunbreaker. As a sunbreaker, I also tried going towards 3 people with my super, they all shot at me and I died, it isn't OP if you have teamwork. scrubs[/spoiler]