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9/28/2015 3:36:44 PM
I have the same problem. Me and three friends had an oryx checkpoint, but we didn't know how to run oryx. Before we went on LFG, we decided to try and figure out what to do. We started it, and figured out what would happen up until the knight spawning. We got two people on LFG, and one of them explained up until the oryx damage part. I switched to nighthawk and ran relic. We were fine up to the oryx damage, where the LFG people didn't do damage to oryx. When we wiped BECAUSE OF THEM, they left. It was the first attempt. For the next 45 minutes, the process continued, where randoms would join, we would go through one attempt and they wouldn't damage oryx, then they would leave. I'm sorry, but are you looking to be carried or something?!?!? Because nobody would stay after one attempt, when THEY were the ones not doing the right thing. If you're not experienced, you can't expect to just get an experienced team and have them carry you. I'm fine with inexperienced people, but when they aren't willing to deal with others in the same boat as them, I can't stand it. TL;DR: Inexperienced people shouldn't expect to find experienced people who will carry them, and should be willing to deal with other inexperienced people.

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