I've said it before HoW ( https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/92788134/0/0/1)
And I'll say it again, Destiny really should have been a horizontal progression FPSWannabeMMO. You take Guild Wars 2 settings and way to do things, you strap it on Destiny, and Voilà! An almost perfect game where the grind doesn't really matter anymore.
Low amount of content, high amount of grind are perfect for that genre and it keeps the game rolling for years, while not invalidating your grind each 3 months because the rules changes with each new expansion.
More, not less , please!
Agreed. MORE is ALWAYS better. I mean you think about it, there are plenty of other games out there, even ones that are older, that had way more innovative aspects to them than Destiny does. The last bit I wrote in regards to Zero Gravity environments really hit that point home, I'd say. God, I LOVED Unreal Tournament. x_x
Absolutely! Some people are now trying to say that for 100$, 400 hours in is a steal and it was worth it. If I knew they were gonna be reskinning everything every 3 months and removing access to the old stuff, I wouldn't have put that 400+ hours into it. Flashforward in ten years, instead of thinking this game was awesome, only the bitter taste will come back to mind. They should really rethink their strategy so that people keeps a good memory of that game instead.
Yeah, I've come across some who actually think TTK itself offers more content than "most" brand new games... Meanwhile! WARFRAME VS. DESTINY PART 3! XD