Is this game any good?
I have heard from many sources that Warframe is PtW and not worth the download. I've also heard that it's the beast game that has ever existed.
Edited by BIG IRON ENERGY: 9/28/2015 2:55:36 PMyou've heard bullshit on both those fronts. Pay to win? no. that implies that those who fork out for platinum are always ahead of those who don't. completely false, as platinum merely subverts the Grind. [u]those who pay still end up on the same level as those who don't[/u]. the better weapons and frames (Prime Versions) CAN be bought, but since it is rather expensive, most opt for the grind, which is really not that hard. I for one have never bought anything other than Slots and a few rare parts on trading with platinum, and I'm better off than some of the people I've seen put small fortunes in this game. if you don't want to invest money, [u]but are willing to invest time[/u], you still end up the same place as others. no one has a distinct advantage just because of platinum. let's say for example, I want to get a new weapon. I can either buy it with platinum, or I can use the in-game credits earned from missions to buy a blueprint and build it myself. If I buy with plat, I get the assembled weapon, but I still have to level it and upgrade it. if I choose to buy the blueprint, I have to find materials and craft it in the foundry. once it's built, I have exactly the same weapon Mr Moneybags with Platinum has; an unlevelled weapon that needs to be used so it can be upgraded. Mr Moneybags has his gun before I do, but we both still have to level the gun up, and you cannot buy levels. you can buy upgrades, but you still have to use the weapon first. best game ever? well, I wouldn't say that. it isn't perfect. there are glitches and bugs in it just like any other game. it has a few flawed mechanics, and it can be a bit overwhelming to the new player. but if you give it time, try to learn and understand what the game is about, you can then decide whether or not it is a game that's right for you. personally, I LOVE Warframe, but I'm not going to act like it's perfect, because it's not. TLDR answers: It's not pay to win. It's a fun game, with a few flaws here and there, IMO. it's free, so I say give it a try and see what you think!