I would probably join as a girl myself but I have the lesbian cooties .
If you are a female you qualify. Cooties or no. :)
Maybe I'd rather not . I have zero female friends on PSN just cause I'm a lesbian . They're the ones who send me friend request cause I play awesome . I see that they are immature weird or just really suck at playing and I don't want to add them but I still do it cause I'm too nice . They ask me questions and message me and all Then next thing you know , they suddenly disappear silently from my friends list . The thing is I Never even tried to hit on them or anything . I'm not even into straight girls either . Only lesbians .
If you ever wanna kick some Destiny ass with no fear of being hit on hit me up dr slump28 always looking diversify my friends list
We have plenty of lesbians in our clan.I'm straight and I've played with a girl and her girlfriend a few times.They were really chill people. The girls in our clan are very accepting of the gay community,whether someone bi,les or trans it doesn't matter.A girl is girl,no matter her genitals or sexuality.As long as ladies respect each other,that's all that matters.
Same for you if you wanna have some time hit me up dr slump28 I'm chill
How would you know the difference? Girls are girls.