That guy from Texas you speak of, people like that is the exact reason I hate living here.
Then you should leave America. It's our right as citizens to have guns ready and well-oiled to keep bad govt from oppressing its people. Only guns in a responsible citiizen's hands can force aggressors to remain somewhat civil. Pledge of allegiance for life.
Yea I get that no no need to act like a douche, I support the 2nd amendment I don't like hearing over and over how many guns people have, it's cool to actually have a conversation about guns but to act that way is not cool, it's the same thing when people talk about weed non stop I get it you are "cool" no one cares how much weed you smoke! Lol Do you see my point of view?
Then after you grow up, then leave. Im offended by you
Sorry? Lol don't get so hurt
Amen to that. Idiot gives us a bad name.
He was also a rasist lol, but Iam not shitting you... He kept on talking about guns and how he used an RPG launcher in military (some laser guided pew pew canon) for a good hour. Also how he pwned a dude in a bar fight. Mentioned the word "Constitutional right to use guns" like 200 times. I would be honestly scared to even look grumpy at ppl there. FML lol.
Ugh I hate those types. Trust me they are all talk. People who are really dangerous you'd never know.