You think fireteams that spent countless hours the past two weeks mastering kings fall encounters want to go thru growing pains again? Just because you haven't put the time in yet doesn't mean others should be required to teach you. There are plenty of lfg posts with people new to the raid as well.
What pisses me off is half the groups that say must have experience don't know wtf they are doing.
LOL even if you post must have experience... it doesnt matter..... you will still get noobs.. Just ask test questions... wrong answer = BOOT
Agree. 100%
Maybe some people can't put the time in...
Sure. Then join a group not looking for experienced people. What's the problem?
Pretty sure that's the problem? He's saying half the groups are looking for experience. Don't think he means half literally, chances are the majority.
Forget LFG. What I did is look for a clan with like minded people, make friends that way and screw LFG. I hate that site. It's just a toxic community.
If you use the recruit forums you'd realize finding groups new to the raid or willing to sherpa is incredibly easy. Those posts are as frequent as those looking for experience.