Guys, don't tease him. He's just didn't know things could be that long. He's just used to things being.... Short... ;)
Lol its like 3 and half paragraphs.
I did, and really quite enjoyed doing so.
If you look at the guys post about the exotic, and spectate his character... He has it on. Dipshiz... Ugh community these days..
I did
I did, and while it may be false in the end, at least it was more entertaining than your disgusting trash of an opinion... I really don't care whether you agree or disagree with the OPs on threads of this website. Afterall, differing opinions help spur conversation and new insight, but don't bother posting if you can offer nothing of substance nor can manage to bring forth an inkling of decency/ respect to show to people. You, YOU, are the waste of time here. Good day, "sir"...
I did.
I like your motto there
I've heard Hooked on Phonics can help with learning disabilities.
It's on trending.
i did scrub
i did you -blam!-ing clod
I did
I did.
I did
You really think anyone is going to agree with you?
[quote]You really think anyone is going to agree with you?[/quote]
[quote]You really think anyone is going to agree with you?[/quote]
I did. Twice
I did
A lot of people did. I assume you have problems with reading?
yout havent spent much time on these forums if you think THIS is long
Lol I hope so
Same. If you can't have the patience to read a few short paragraphs, I suggest you work on finding it.