If I see you wearing a year 1 emblem you can expect a kick from me.
You all Year 1s think you are better, well news flash! Your not. Your a joke.
All I see from the forums are: let's troll year 2! How can we fool year 2? If your not from year 1 you suck!
Well I've had enough and I'm going to kick you year ones at the end near the rewards! Hahahah I'm laughing so hard! [i]WishYouLuckk Boys[/i]
You're > your #grammar #notajoke
Luke. Luuuuuuke .... I am your Father. So STFU thanks.
I like the #whats the shape of Italy..... Cause it's a boot.
Git gud @ inglesh or git buutd frum lyf
Look at this cry for attention post Muted
you are so smart , my new hero
As hurt as this makes me, I will do my best to carry on in life without your approval.
We're not all asses.
Someone's mad that they didn't get Laurea Prima
Says the guy whose a year one player himself
How dare u disrespect the jade rabbit emblem. Bump if u agree!!!!
Sorry bro when you cast in your lot with wishyouluck I lost intrest in the satire. Both him and tripple make mad money off of something they love. You probably don't!
Oh, look the mute button
[quote]If I see you wearing a year 1 emblem you can expect a kick from me. You all Year 1s think you are better, well news flash! Your not. Your a joke. All I see from the forums are: let's troll year 2! How can we fool year 2? If your not from year 1 you suck! Well I've had enough and I'm going to kick you year ones at the end near the rewards! Hahahah I'm laughing so hard! [i]WishYouLuckk Boys[/i][/quote] It's OK. The year ones won't let you join their raid teams anyway cause your too much of a scrub .
Outstanding! And I'll be sure to repay the favor by reporting your salty kindergarten candy ass. You're welcome.
Ha you have all 34s
Says the guy with all lvl 34 characters with year one emblems on, lol Sign here to have OP banned from forums
But Year 1's understand the difference between "Your" and "You're". So you may be better at a video game, but at least we aren't a moron like you.
This Ladies and Gentlemen is what happens when an idiot gets to go on the internet.
Um ok....
But... I like the look of my Executor's Red Mark.
Says the level 34 lol
All these flavours and you choose to be salty
We beta tested the damn game for a year for your scrub ass git gud.