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9/26/2015 5:27:14 PM

Virgin Raider

Hey all, Just getting back into Destiny after TTK release and believe it or not, I have not tried out a single raid in the game, mostly due to schedule, but chalk some of it up to fear as well. Anyways, I wanna try them! I have to! But have no idea where to begin. I have another buddy who is in the same boat. So I'm looking for some people I can add on XB1, who might be willing to give us a hand. We're going in totally blind, so any guidance is appreciated. We mostly play at night, so if anyone is interested, let me know and I'll shoot you a friend request on XBL and msg you to see if you're ready to suit up. I'm at THE JOKER000033 If it matters, I'm a 40 Hunter and he's a 40 Warlock. Thanks everyone! Assemble!

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