If you read the title and nodded in understanding, you can move on if you like.
The rest of ya! Do us all a favor and look before you leap and, if you don't, please don't go crying foul and whining about Bungie somehow having done you wrong here.
Go to Google. Type in 'Define Legacy'. Hit enter. Pick practically any link.
From Mirriam-Webster:
noun - leg·a·cy \ˈle-gə-sē\
1: a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : bequest
2: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or [b]from the past[/b] [/quote]
'Tis hardly Bungie's fault that one didn't read and comprehend the title of a thing before buying their entire Strange Coin stock's worth. Three weeks now and people are still screaming about this. It's absurd.
Damn warning is right there in the item name.
I'm gonna bump this, since I've already seen three new threads bitching about this since yesterday.