Here's the honest truth, the reason you're getting year one exotics is because you haven't bought enough, Bungie said you have to get 50 before getting year 2 exotics. Don't believe anyone on the forums saying that it doesn't give you year 2 exotics, they're just mad scrubs that haven't bought 50 yet, even DeeJ. So keep buying those Engrams guardians, trust me, you can check my Titan, I have Touch of Malice equipped and I got it from an Engram this week. Good luck ;)
Edit: This is one for all the people crying about me tricking people, this is a false post and I was lying if you couldn't tell. I haven't even gotten TTK, not because I can't afford it, just simply because I haven't bought it yet haha.
Nice troll haha. I usually don't support trolls, but in this case, people have blown up the forums last weekend figuring out that Legacy Engrams give you year one exotics. If you only post without reading other people's posts that could relate to the issue you're having, then I'm sorry you are oblivious to that fact that forums are meant for giving information, opinions, and ideas to ( In this case ) a game's developers and its fan base. It's always good to look for information on something before you get something you don't need. Otherwise, you're out of luck. Just let yourself know about what's happening frequently if you are dedicated to this game and read multiple posts so you don't get screwed over. For those of you that followed the instructions from the OP, let this be a lesson learned, don't believe the first thing you see for granted, as you experienced the results.