In between our powerful supers, we have virtually nothing but our gunplay.
Shoulder charge will make me cri evrytim with Twilight Garrison
Lol, I was referring to sunbreaker. Striker's super is more limited, but it has some good abilities like sc to balance it out.
I agree, what makes fist of panic so good is the fact of its animation time (if it had one.) The time you activate super to damage is very very short.
Haha deal with it scrub hunter and warlock have had to deal with that for a long time
You stupid or something? Or conveniently ignoring all the nice abilities that benefit you outside of their supers?
Edited by DarkLegend16: 9/26/2015 10:36:42 AM"Deal with that for a long time"? I guess you're just gonna forget blink.
It's not as OP as shoulder charge though come on....
Sholder charge isn't op lol almost always do you get shotgunned
Shoulder charge is op? Lmao. Only to people that take 3 months to respond to visual stimuli.
If you STILL haven't figured how to deal with Shoulder Charge, I feel bad for you. Have you ever heard of this thing called a shotgun? You should try it sometime.
Thank you! You have no idea how much idiots say, "Shoulder charge OP, please nerf." Yet, all it takes is a radar and a shotty.
Oh no, i do have an idea how much they say it. Pricks cant learn