By oldest, I mean closest to beta/launch. My oldest item which I am still in possession of would have to be The Supremacy from the original Queen's Wrath event. I also have 2 Jackolytes and 3 Flight of Shadows.
EDIT: My other vanilla items are Deviant Gravity-A, Perun's Fire w/ Accelerated Coils, AOS#Cryptid gauntlets, Ghost Angel boots, Ghost Angel cloak, Dustwalker cloak and the vanilla titan IB class item.
EDIT 2: I forgot about my vanilla Dead Orbit and New Monarchy titan marks.
EDIT 3: Uploaded picture of my very first ever legendary gear drop : )
Original queens wrath shaders, dinklebot shell, a few ships, VOG armour and weapons and another NITC, just can't let that gun go!
Fatebringer, mythoclast and jackolytes
h_ld starwinder cloak, the first ib cloak, did have a couple of ghost angel armour pieces but decided to dismantle in the end
Queens Wrath robes and helmet.
My vex mythoclast
I kept the auto rifle your ghost gives you in the first mission if that counts? Honestly don't know why.
Vanilla Vanguard helmet
Zombie apocalypse <3
My first set of armor. It's in my vault
The founders emblem
First queens wrath armor
Shadow Price, that got me through so much of the game lol
Queens wrath armour head and chest pieces from the very first time the awoken came to tower!
Edited by DemonsEncircled_: 9/26/2015 8:35:43 AMThe hunter scarf you start with, the khvostov, some queens wrath armor pieces and the shadow price
White Ghost.
Broken Truth or Cloak of the Exodus on my Hunter.
The devil you know
Have shadow price, super pox vlo, jackolytes, and the swarm all vanilla destiny items.
Still have my original Shadow Price. The day I dismantle Shadow Price is the day I delete my titan. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
Vendor Shadow Price. Original Queen's Wrath Sniper: The Supremacy Original Queen's Wrath Titan Helmet and Chest.
First ghost
The gear from the very first queen kill mission events that they scrapped because it was a very shitty idea. I got the blue her right hand The sniper rifle Class mod Helmet Chest piece All useless now but relics of the very first event so I'm never dismantling them.
Lord high fixer! And till ttk it was still the best HC in the game (for the ones without elemental dmg)
The Vanquisher 8 vendor version pre dark below.