As I've been playing more, starting to notice how little guns there is and that 90% of them suck. Most of the raid guns are very disappointing and only good for fusing year 1 exotic guns, need more guns on the level of fate bringer, icebreaker , VOC, gally and so on, best weapon to come from TTK is the sword that thing is beast. What you guys think?
I agree but I don't mine. In year 1 we had amazing guns that could hold up your build all by them self. Now the aim is to get all weapons and armour slots working synergistically to create the perfect build. I like this approach because I will now spend more time paying attention to armour perks and matching them with my class and guns to fit with how I want to play, rather than relying on my VoC and Gally for everything. Not that using VoC and Gally wasn't fun, of course it was, just different!