As I've been playing more, starting to notice how little guns there is and that 90% of them suck. Most of the raid guns are very disappointing and only good for fusing year 1 exotic guns, need more guns on the level of fate bringer, icebreaker , VOC, gally and so on, best weapon to come from TTK is the sword that thing is beast. What you guys think?
I mean in terms of like general performance/versatility they may not stack up to year one. However, I like the variety of weapons that Bungie has attempted to bring to the table. They are just trying to give us more options to choose from. And honestly there are some unique guns (which like I have agreed to, they don't really stack up to the best of the best year one guns for sure/without a doubt) that are fun to use, have their perks, have their usefulness, and have the ability to really give the gun its own personality. (Not saying all year one guns failed in any of these categories) I just sort of like this new wave of weapons imo