[b]S[/b]hould xbox players [b]A[/b]tempt [b]T[/b]o buy [b]I[/b]t. The only people who [b]R[/b]eally deserve it are the ones who [b]E[/b]arned it.
I slaved away a full 13 min in a strike to get my exotic engram to drop!! I wooed rahool for 4 straight days before decrypting that bad boy I'd bring him drinks, I payed for his meals, I listened to his mad ramblings about symbols for hours, I 1v1ed anyone who complained about his skills When night came about, I shook my Exo ass for his entertainment, he'll i even got an awoken female to strip for him, we then had a three way, I cried for hours after but he won't know that After he used me and got real close I finally got him to crack and made the ultimatum, hawk moon or no more Exo booty He caved in and I got my hawk moon Not I have to wear cat ears and a leash but the supercell will be worth it I know