i know im still aggrevated about having to stay at lv34 just cause i didnt get ttk dlc.all bungie had to do is not let anyone who havent gotten the dlc able to get any new legendary and exotics,thats all they had to do,just make us equals,this is bullshit.now what about when iron banner is out?,some of us may or not be able to play it simply cause we didnt buy ttk dlc,and to me is BULLSHIT!!!...bungie seriously needs to remove the level cap cause eventually they'll remove it like they did 2 weeks ago,so if they can do that then why cant they make it so everyone can be the same level,if not then a lot of people will get sick of destiny and move onto a different game entirely,bungie seriously need to read these forums carefully so they can better learn how to make their customers happy cause i didnt shell out hard earned cash (pre-ttk) to get this game and have to deal with this shit.
Buy year 2 or keep playing what u had