Nothing but black ball throwing ultra captians!!! D:)
Yes. This game needs more game types
I came up with this before TTK dropped. Thanks for letting my dream live on
Where's my poll answer for the content A LOT of us have lost!?
That would be awesome as hell I miss infection
I'd be thrilled
I played infection on halo 4 for Xbox 360 in 2012 before I bought the ps4
Time splitters infection mode is probably my all time favorite
Great idea
Bump I love infection
I'm waiting for a Destiny only player to come and be like "What's infection?"
You sound terribad :P Bump.
Edited by Malphisto: 9/26/2015 10:13:07 AMWhat do you think this is, a BUNGIE game??? O_o *Gasp* *Bump* XD Couldn't have Supers enabled for it, though. Unless they were to give the Taken players their own form of Super?
This makes me moist.
Bump, please get trending
This would've been an awesome game mode. I'm not sure about getting Taken abilities, but I think every main class should have their own Taken abilities relevant to their original abilities. Something like a Seek & Reap sort of deal would be awesome. Destiny [i]needs[/i] to add a few more casual playlists, to keep the Crucible from being the monotonous tryhard playlist it has become. Mayhem was a decent start, but even then it's still filled with a bunch of tryhards. This playlist would feel less like this was the case. Also I think they need to tweak some of the new Shotguns back into what our old ones are like: [b]I'm tired of getting facerolled by Felwinter's/Matador after I deleted mine assuming TTK's items would get me by.[/b] Bungie is a bunch of -blam!- for this terrible update to the Crucible. Literally the worst experience I've ever had with their trash PvP environment.