Welcome To The Weekly Heroic and Nightfall Strikes Finder Please Like The Topic So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future. If You Need Help With Nightfall's or Heroics Message Me Or Add Me On Xbox, I Would Be Glad To Help Anyone Of You Guardians Out There.
[/b]- "DeMix"
- Level 40 Titan
- Level 40 Warlock
- Level 40 Hunter
[b](XB1)The God Knockers
[b]Kings Fall Normal Raid Team Finder[/b]
[b]Kings Fall Hard Raid Team Finder[/b]
[b]Trials Of Osiris Team Finder[/b]
[b]Prison Of Elders(42 Challenge)
Looking for 2 more guardians to do nightfall on all 3 characters my gamer tag FeedTheDingo message for inv
Need 2 305+ for nightfall
319 hunter hosting nf no mic needed gt same as above message for invite
Need 1 nf gt same as above
Need 1 for NF - msg for INV any Lvl
Need 1 for nightfall GT Brick626
At boss. Need 1. Gt above.
318 Need two for nightfall. Invite or join Jaysmark
I need to do 3 night falls and I need 2 more gt is above msg me for a invite
Looking to do night fall on all three characters Message jessemarie xo for invite Above 300 light level
Message me for inv my gamertag is KingOfJester
Need 2 no mic needed. Msg gt above for inv
I'm doing the nightfall, since it's been a while, and I'm doing all three of my characters. Join if you are also doing three characters, I just want to push through it without finding other people be at least 300 light. No squeakers tho, Gt same as above
Need 2 more for nightfall message conorE77
Titan looking to do nightfall
Need 2 for nightfall
Need 2 for nfall
317 hunter for NF. Add me in
Need 2 for nightfall message on Xbox live for invite
Need 1 more for nightfall. Send message. GT same as above
308 Hunter wanting to do nightfall. GT same as above invite. No mic but I can hear you
Need 2 for night fall Message for invite
I'm at the end boss fight. Need some team mates to help out. My GT is same as name. Msg for invite.
nightfall at Flayers. Msg ZNipplE PaYnEs for inv. Be good. Need 2
need 2 for nightfall
Clan Recruitment: My clan name is The Raw Bunch. Just request to join our clan and you should be accepted. We are a PvP based clan. We run on XBOX ONE. We do year 1 raids every week and play a lot of 3v3 based playlists. Message KingJayes9 if you have any questions.