[b]Lilith walls to the cave she was given coordinates to by Theron and heads down into the cave using the light in her plasma cutter to see as she decends into the cave the whispers in her head begin to repeat the words [i]MAKE US WHOLE[/i] she clutches her head and continues decending into the cave.[/b]
***Burns tails behind, unseen thanks to his active camouflage.***
[b]as she walks the whispers in her head get louder and Burns starts to her the same whispers but much quieter [/b]
(Burns thinking to himself:) "Wonderful. Now I have company."
[b]she keeps walking[/b] [spoiler]if you want to see her weapons check her bio[/spoiler]
-You see Theron inside the cave-
***Burns keeps his distance but watches.*** (I'll just keep an eye on the subthread until someone notices me, or until I decide to make my presence known.)
-You see theron in less survivalis gear and in more casual gear and you see a large underground city with large crystals growing in the buildings and the ceilings and walls- "See wasn't lying"
"No you weren't" [b]she clutches her head and falls to her knees and yells[/b] "SHUT UP!!!"
-He goes up to her and helps her up sitting her in a chair- "Hey are you ok"
[b]she screams in pain clutching her head with both hands[/b] "MAKE IT STOP!!!"
-You see he pulls out medicine and injectes it in your neck and you lose conciounsess for ab hour-
[b]she passes out[/b]
"You know I wonder what that was about" -He carries you to a house and places you on a bed and starts looking over you-
[b]there doesn't seem to be and physical injuries[/b]
"Well at least she's fine physically" -He injects medicine into her to wake her up-
[b]she jolts awake and grabs you by the throat[/b]
-He falls down with her on top of him and he's trying to remove her hands-
[b]her eyes are filled with rage[/b]
-He manages to remove her hands long wnough to get some air-
[b]she squeezes your neck tighter her eyes then roll back into her head and she passes out [/b]
"Well....Then..." -He barely says in between breaths-
[b]she remains unconscious[/b]
"Still better get her back into the bed" -He carries you back into the bed-
[b]her helmet retracts completely revealing her short red hair[/b]
"Well talk about a cute girl there seems to be lots" -He starts taking medical data-