After seeing this picture of a Taken Guardian on DeviantArt I had an idea.
Yes Griffball and Bungieball have legacy status in the company and is the product of the community's brainchild but Rift is lackluster.
Zombies in CoD and Flood in Halo saved the multiplayer experience for these games.
Destiny needs a gametype that mimics that using the Taken lore/mechanics.
12 man rumble free for all
1 starts off as a Taken Guardian only capable of using Modified Taken Nades/Melee/Super and attempts to infect the rest of the players.
Nade = Axiom bolt similar to Taken Centurion or the Area Denial Fire bombs that the Knights throw
Melee = Phalanx (lulz)
Super = Captain blinding bubble of bullshit
Thoughts on this gametype?
EDIT1: wow this is more popular than i thought
here is poll thread
Edited by Glass Jaw: 9/27/2015 12:45:28 PMStill waiting for CTF where the flag is Crota's sword, a scorch cannon, or the shield relic.
Screw both of those, give us Mayhem back!
Yes but would rather have Blink that doesn't have a cool down a taken knife would make sense for a melee weapon grenade would be suppresser grenade from the Titan No super Sprint without cool down
I miss "Infected" playlist from halo Those were the good ol days
I think it would be better if it was just like a 6 man version of zombies
Dude at least credit the deviant artist
Bump. And the First Taken stars with the Sword and is removed after the Third is taken
Ahh hell yeah
It's a cool idea but how would you implement it into the lore of the crucible? The crucible is basically training exercises for guardians, rift itself started as a warlock training exercise in the lore. I like the taken idea but I would find it hard to believe Shaxx would be ok with oryx taking a guardian in the crucible, not to mention it would be difficult to explain how your guardian is magically better at the end of the match. I don't think you can get untaken. It could be a training exercise by Shaxx to test a guardian's survivability against the darkness. I like the idea though, I'm just overthinking the lore aspect lol
How about a taken guardian as a new class
So basically its tag?
Would play for the lulz
I wish Bungie would listen to us!!! BUMP !!!
Bump. Should have random Taken perks each time someone takes over, plus overshielded. Maybe have a Hive sword he can attain like a heavy.
They should just make mayhem permanent
Edited by Patriot121: 9/26/2015 6:57:25 AMInteresting, but lore-wise I don't think guardians can be taken. Not entirely sure but there's obviously some limit on what Oryx can and cannot take or why does he let the Cabal hang out on his dreadnought? Why does he let us march into his throne world and kill him?
honestly this is really cool, it'd be great to play as an axis character for once [spoiler]but for all we know we are playing as the axis character in the actual story THE SPEAKER IS EVIL[/spoiler]
With the ability of short distance teleport the way they do in vanguard!!! Awesome idea!
Cool gametype idea. I would want a game mode where players can play as the enemies in Destiny though. >:)
Lacks originality. Why make this game like every other one?
Maybe a super random times the taken will [i]invade[/i] the crucible while a rumble match is on place and infect someone lol
Bump deej/Cosmo get out the notepad