Arc blade is the WORST super in the game.
Blink has been nerfed. Arc bolt is nerfed.
Warlocks can get QuickDraw on exotic armour.
Sunbreakers are EASILY the best pvp class in the game.
Arc Blade is not even close to being the worst. That was an ignorant thing to say. Arcbolt still manages to be one of the best grenades in PvP. Blink is still incredibly viable for mobility and losing your opponent. Titans don't get Quickdraw from anything.
Yup arc blade is easily the worst super. Only rivalled by defender bubbles. It's a melee super that doesn't give you enough damage resistance to survive a shotgun blast or sniper headshot. Titans get range on their super, and they can survive sniper headshots and shotgun blasts.
Titans are built to be armored and hard to kill, hence invincibility during FoH and WoD, whereas hunters are not. Arc Blade is still powerful and they cannot be one shot by a shotgun unless it's a point blank final round shotgun shell, point blank headshot, or a shotgun melee combo, all of which are extremely rare. More often than not, you got sliced before being able to do any of the above.
You sir are a dumb -blam!-. What you are saying is Titans should be tanks. Oh and also they should be one shorting you all day. Really? There bonus armor is like a radiancing warlock using ram and radiant skin. Accept they chuck hammers that have AoE Damage and Proximity. Plus health regeneration. If that isn't OP to you then you must have a small dick
Give me a super that doesn't one shot in PvP that isn't ward of dawn or radiance. They all one shot. God forbid, Titan's supers do too! Sunbreaker would be broken if you had to throw TWO hammers for a kill. Damn, that makes sense, huh? How often do you get killed by a hammer in a 10 min game? Twice? Three times? What about every other super? Yeah, exactly. Oh, and they have as much armor as a warlock with radiant skin and the ram? No shit, they're both supers. Warlocks aren't even meant to maintain that much armor. They're glass cannons. Yes, they have a health regeneration perk. So do Bladedancers, Strikers, and Voidwalkers. That comment was just flat out stupid. EVERYTHING has splash damage. Golden Gun can cause them to explode, Nova Bomb has massive splash damage, and EVERY other AOE based skill causes splash damage. What, do you expect us to throw the hammer like a throwing knife? No, you're a -blam!-ing idiot. The best part of you're entire comment, including your terrible grammar and lack of knowledge, is the fact you assumed I have a small dick based on a comment on a forum. You are a child and, without a doubt, the son of butthurt. [spoiler]Never go full retard.[/spoiler]
You main a Titan so it's obvious you'd defend the super but on my play station I main a Titan as well and believe the health should be fixed. Btw don't bring old subclasses back as people are all using the new ones. I mean unless they like nerfed ones.
Titan is my least played character. I main a warlock, but am not a fan of Stormcaller. What nerfs are you talking about? The 2 meter and damage nerf for firebolt and arcbolt grenades, or the blink nerf? Both are still viable in PvP. Especially blink. Those were the one changes unless I forgot one. Voidwalker, Striker, Defender, and Gunslinger remain untouched.
Blink? Dude it got nerfed to the ground! Sure you can sometimes escape but that's it. You can't jump shotgun anymore or jump fire anything anymore. You may suck too much to know but that's huge for half the community
Jump shotgun was a crutch. Blink is now about being mobile, like it should have been in the first place. I suck too much? I have either better, or the exact same KD as you in every playlist.
Haha why don't you check destiny tracker. Anyway no it wasn't. You tards never used height advantages against blink you always were a blinkers prey and now it's just a jump? Yes but it kills you. Why are you comparing a new subclass with old Nerfed ones? Arc blade was the only reasonable thing but at least you could kill one with a sniper shot or a shotgun melee. With sunbreakers, you can survive both.
I checked your stats. I don't need destiny tracker.
Oh really? The thing is Titans are the fastest class in the game. And you are saying that this super isn't at least a little over powered? I honestly don't get what's wrong with people anymore.
Edited by Skewbz2: 9/25/2015 3:34:38 AMDude. I said in the OP Sunbreaker is OP during the super.
Of course it is that's why we want it nerfed idiot
Lol here we go again with insults. EVERY class is OP in different areas. Warlocks have grenades and Hunters have a little bit of everything. Titans have ONE super. That's called BALANCE. Gtfo unless you're gonna have something relevant to say.