Oryx VS Archimonde/Kil'jaeden/Ragnaros/Ur-Didact/Primordial
[Main: The one above it has been moved here with the 'legend']
/ = OR
Rules read. [spoiler]Nothing about 'Destiny = bad' here so far, but my mind firmly believes that Destiny is still in dire need of fixing, regardless of Bungie's efforts thus far with: [Naxxaramas = Dark Below], [Burning Crusade = House Wolves], [Wrath = Taken King], which due to Activision, cost far more than the time their content lasts for and is immediately replaced by the time the next thing pops up..[/spoiler]
Do you hate destiny
I am neutral, but Activision's meddling has certainly caused visible damage, but now (£50 = Destiny in full, us Beta kin had to pay £40 + £30 (for both DLC) + Taken King (£40 standalone; £50 with everything) ) some damage has been reverted, while they still haven't given us compensation!