Anyone else having problems with buying TTK in-game? When I click purchase in game no screen shows up to show my credit card and etc so I can buy it? Is it just me? Please tell me I'm not..
I hope we can get this thread high up so bungie can see this and fix it. I'm very upset that they are trying to fix little shader problems and not tackling the largest problem which is not being able to buy the digital download even though I have both DLCs.
They don't want you to buy the add-on, they want you to buy it all again!
For real! I'm getting aggravated because my friends don't even want to play with me because we can't do anything
I'm having the exact same problem it won't let me purchase TTK as standalone from in the game or via Xbox store, it's driving me nuts dude!!
Well I just want to play with my Xbox one friends. They are going to be the ones that I do the raid with if bungie fixes it.
It's safe to assume at this point 9 days later this problem will not be resolved
Same issue here. And if we try to buy it outside of the game, it says it is unavailable. We've been trying since the pre-order was announced.
i cant even find just the taken king expac, i can only find the digital version
Edited by Librus Warrior: 9/24/2015 9:43:08 PMSame, I can't find it the marketplace either
I heard that you can purchase in game but I have no idea where that would be
It's not just you, it me too.
Thanks I thought I was the only one for a while