Can confirm, Zhalo Supercell is sweet. Especially as a Nightstalker. Mine is only halfway upgraded and it does Gjallarhorn levels of damage to Ultras.
No it really doesn't. It's an auto rifle with a weak chain lightning effect. It's great for killing mobs but doesn't do any kind of amazing damage to majors or ultras.
Nightstalker + Bloodbound. Unload a clip on the ultra.
That goes for any gun ever.
Indeed, but Supercell does a ton of damage on that in hardly any time at all. Plus the lighning procs 6 or 7 times per clip easily, giving more damage...
Right... just noticed you have an entire 150 kills with it. Let me know if you feel the same after about 5k.
I don't have 5k with anything! :)
My point is that I do. And this gun is not a boss killer in any way.