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9/24/2015 11:29:25 AM
The thing about analogies and statistics is that they can be used for for both sides of the argument. The EULA is what makes their practice legal but not necessarily right. I see people saying they bought and own the expansions, now I don't know what Xbox had in the description but on the PSN it was stated as a "expansion pass" and to me that implies that it will have a limited life span. The old conract with the devil rule applies in this day and age where you really need to read conditions and terms you accect, because it's the fine print that will get you. I'm on the fence for this one because I can empathize with the people who can't aquire ttk for their own reasons being nut punched with the "downgrade" in content. On the other hand there is alot of bleeting aswell. How long until there is a class action challenge launched in the land of litigation? Any bets? Lets see how that pans out. A good enough lawyer can argue that the cat did a dogshit on the carpet and sue the horse because if it.

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