I noticed that since TTK has come out, Fate of All Fools is now a grimorie card. Does this mean that everyone can obtain it? If so, plz tell me how
has a grimoire whore I really hope, as this appears to be the end of Destiny 1, that they give it to us at some point in this final year. I understand their reasons for only giving it to that one guy and the jade rabbit has the perk, but id like to fill out that card
Only guardian with it is Trifecta01 its on his Hunter
Jade rabbit replaced it
I heard a rumor that if you buy all of the emotes and 100 bags of that festival crap, Atheon shows up and gives you a Fate of all Fools.
FoAF is exclusive to one guy. Jade rabbit is the weapon available to ps4 players.
Jade Rabbit has [i]the[/i] perk.