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Edited by sooltime: 10/12/2015 2:42:28 AM

Xbox 360 Families Punished by TTK Console License Issue: The Future of Digital Content?

Bungie/Activision is punishing Xbox 360 customers by not acknowledging the fact that the $40 TTK digital download has a broken console license. In other words, no other users have access on the first console. This affects dads, moms, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, siblings and roommates. This issue has implications that go beyond the Xbox 360 and The Taken King. While this contradicts the usage restriction policy displayed on the purchase screen (see above link), it is unclear whether this is a bug, a calculated maneuver, or a combination of the two since Bungie/Activision remains TOTALLY SILENT on the issue. Not so much as an acknowledgement of the problem one way or the other. By remaining silent, Bungie/Activision is commiting a breach of contract and consumer fraud. If the usage restrictions say that all users on the first console have access to the content, then all users on the first console should have access! Interesting facts regarding this situation: - There was no announcement of Xbox 360 not getting a console license before TTK was available for purchase on 9/15. In fact, there's been no announcement since. - This is an Xbox 360 issue ONLY. The Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 appear to have console licenses, i.e., any account can play on the download console. Edit: There are problems in which these other consoles have similar symptoms but the console license issue is unique to Xbox 360 customers who purchase the $40 ttk digital. - Original Destiny, The Dark Bellow, and House of Wolves DO NOT have this problem on the Xbox 360. This problem is NEW to The Taken King. - Unlike Bungievision, Microsoft support has acknowledged this and has reportedly refunded customers. - There is a two controller workaround that mimics the paid for but missing console license, albeit super inconvenient. - Xbox 360 players were also duped by the $20 "throw money at the screen" upgrade bait and switch. The announcement of its unavailability came AFTER 9/15 rendering an informed purchasing decision impossible for pre-ordering and launch day customers. Is this problem related to the broken 360 console license somehow? I understand the monumental challenge of digitally rolling out a confusing assortment of various collections, editions, codes, upgrades and extra-content compromises across 2 last gen and 2 current gen console platforms. I also understand that the 360 is not only last gen, but most likely the minority console in the Destiny community. I get it and I can be more than patient with the inevitable errors, broken game mechanics, missing goodies, etc. But WHY THE SILENCE on an issue that prevents family members from playing their paid for version of The Taken King? It suggests a negligent oversight at best or contrived, false advertisement at worse. I remain optimistic that this will be resolved before you can say ''Give me a refund". Since Bungie has pleaded the fifth on this, please bring this up in conversation, podcasts, youtube, twitch, blogs, twitter, facebook, forums, comment sections, you name it. This goes beyond the Xbox 360 and The Taken King. If they get away with this, it sets a really bad precedent going forward for customer support and digital content licenses across all media; video games, music, movies, etc. [b]10/11 Update[/b] As we approach a month since the launch of ttk, Bungie belligerently remains COMPLETELY SILENT, simply ignoring 360 customers who did not receive what they purchased. By doing so, what should be a bug under investigating with Microsoft has become a violation of the user's console license and false advertising. One is led to believe that Bungie made the decision to ignore victims of this problem in order to cash in on desperate players who eventually break down and repurchase ttk for each player account on the 1st download console. This travesty seems to have gone unnoticed for the most part in the Destiny and gaming communities at large since it is easily confused with other issues like game sharing, license transfers, previous dlc purchase status, downloading other editions of the game, etc. To clear this up: 1. This violation on Bungie's behalf is unique ONLY to Xbox 360 players who purchased the $40 digital ttk. While other consoles can suffer the same symptom, it is caused by different problems all of which seem to be solvable. 2. Before purchasing ttk from the in game navigation, the usage rights state that "Access to this item will also be granted to all users on this first console" (see link at the top of the post). 3. Cache clearing, re-licensing, re-downloading, etc. DOES NOT SOLVE this problem. The console license is simply not granted to all users on the download console as it should be. And Bungie continues behave as if the problem doesn't exist. C'mon guys, restore our faith why don't you.

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  • Edited by Серафамор: 9/5/2016 2:09:23 PM
    A well spoken post on a real issue. I'm Sure at least one person at Bungie or Activision are aware of this problem, and I have seen no effort to fix it. Edit: Haven't I Seen you before?

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    2 Replies
    • I just happened to re visit my MS post and saw your link. [url=] here is my own topic on the matter[/url] As well as Microsoft's [url=] usage restrictions[/url] , the actual website where it shows exactly what's stated in the pictures we have. Because apparently a picture is not enough for some people lol. And the [url=] one and only bungie acknowledgment[/url] of this. And for those talking about restoring licenses, the only TRUE way to do that on the 360 is a license transfer, which you can only do once every so many months. Bungies updates have done nothing to fix this issue.

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    • VHS players punished by the use of dvds

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      4 Replies
      • Edited by The BigFuz: 10/14/2015 2:21:30 PM
        I was hoping line 2 in the link was acknowledgement...? Has anyone tried restoring their licenses in the past few days? The update was on 10/12, which is after your last update

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        1 Reply
        • Not trying to be a d*, My friends play ttk that don't own it, yet, on my 360.

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        • Bump. For me the issue was being unable to acquire the $20 collectors edition bundle. The fact that Bungie did not state they were not allowing 360 players to purchase this content until AFTER the release if the dlc is an atrocity. They specifically stated that ANYONE could purchase this when Luke smith was talking about it. But they have lied to us and believe that us 360 players are nothing compared to other players. While I am outraged at this act, it has not hindered my gameplay. I still feel the game is great BUT this issue needs to be addressed by DeeJ himself.

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        • Need 5 for the daughters msg gt above for invite

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        • If you have this problem have a second controller signed in with the account that owns TTK.

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        • This is not just on the 360 the One is having almost the same problem (including me)

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        • bump

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        • Edited by Luck: 10/1/2015 6:58:48 PM
          You can license transfer on the account you bought it on and the everyone on the console should have access. You may have to re-download Taken King.

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          11 Replies
          • Need 5 for KingsFall Oryx cp. 295+ light. Must know what you are doing. Msg FiveEleven for inv.

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            1 Reply
            • Need 5 295+ for gorgolith. Must have a mic and experience. Need 2 for gaze, 2 for DPS and, 1 for cursed thrall

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              1 Reply
              • There is one post in which BUNGIE responded simply, "we are aware of the issue." Many people have asked for clarification but no other comments have been made. This is unacceptable. BUNGIE needs to communicate their intentions. If they made a mistake they need to say so.

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                1 Reply
                • Edited by O CEIFADOR: 10/3/2015 5:48:11 PM
                  Saying you're aware of an issue doesn't give any of your clients any peace of mind. Specifics would be very helpful. Something like, "Yes you should be able to play on all profiles as stated in the terms. We are working to fix the issue. We are estimating it will take one day, four days, two weeks, or it will never be fixed." A definitive specific answer is what everyone is asking and looking for. It would be greatly appreciated if you would answer in that manner instead of brushing us all off.

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                  1 Reply
                  • Daughters cp Must be 295-300 Send msg to Pulsufier

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                    1 Reply
                    • Need help on a light 300+ strike to kill adleg, warden of oryx, alakhul, and the dark blade within 30 seconds so plz be light 290+ plz and thank you message Z3R01121 for a invite ^that's a zero btw lol

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                      1 Reply
                      • This is SO SHADY!! It worked in both Destiny and the expansions, and somehow is not working now? I can see the Bungie business meeting about this, "Let's just not reply, and see how many people buy multiple copies....then when we do reply, and be the 'good guy', most people won't bother to process refunds. More money for us, and positive press for "fixing" a mistake! Win-Win!" Snakes...

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                        3 Replies
                        • Oryx cp i need 5 experienced players to kill oryx for me xbox 360 msg for inv gt same

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                          2 Replies
                          • Kings Raid Checkpoint last part Need a experience player If you don't know what to do I'll kick you out Light level of 290 and plus Xbox 360 Message me GT The CURE71

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                            2 Replies
                            • Fresh kings fall raid. 295+ MUST know what you are doing, and must have completed it. (Show emblem). Good snipers preferred. I am helping my 293 friend (who's beaten the raid like 6 times) get some gear for his final character. His name is o gaymer x so message him.

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                              2 Replies
                              • This is why I'm glad I pay my bills and earn my living, no family to split shit with. And all my stuff works properly.

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                                2 Replies
                                • Need 1 fresh kings fall

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                                  1 Reply
                                  • I'm having the same issue. I purchased the content on my Xbox One and other accounts can play the taken king content with my account being signed in. I also purchased the content on my xbox 360 so my kids could continue playing a game they've enjoyed playing for the past year. Unfortunately it seems neither of them can access the content unless my account is signed in as well. Destiny was a game they both liked to play and with the year one content they were able to play together. Now with the way TTK is being handled on the 360, they can not play it together unless I purchase two more copies of the content. Is this greed on Bungies part or just an overlooked mistake? Why am I able to share the content on my Xbox One but not the 360? Bungie, please fix this.

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                                  • Fresh raid 2 more room left Message me GT Above 290 light required or already done the full raid

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • Bump- had the same issue, got three kids who all hav characters. I am fortunate that we were able to upgrade to Xbox1 before HoW. But I could not hav done that without help from very generous people. Fingers crossed for u my friend.

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