[b]Astrid works at her forge in unity, making some adjustments to her armor so the spines on her back fit into it better[/b]
I walk in, with the no expression to my face... "I need a scythe..." I say, as I sit down in a chair... [spoiler]A) Roll with it B) I am da king of our kind :3[/spoiler]
"What are you looking for with your scythe, I have one that I made that has a plasma blade."
"Need something that would resemble darkness, although I need it to do something with shadows..."
"That will be hard, write down the details on that book to your left."
"Ok..." I say, as I walk over to the book and write this down... [quote]Meet me in a forest, any of them, and I will tell you in somewhat more detail...[/quote]
[b]Astrid reads it and takes the page out, she then looks at him and nods[/b]
I smile, and walk away, and disappear in the shadows...
[b]Astrid leaves her forge and places a sign that says it's closed for the day before she heads to a forest[/b]
[spoiler]New post, where the forest is unhappy[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ok, I wasn't sure if I should comment on it[/spoiler]
Tommy walks in, limping to his leg. He closes the door behind him and checks the be sure he has his wallet on him. He walks up to you. "Excuse me, do you work here?"
"Yes, I'm the person in charge, how can I help you." [b]he notices her claws and spines on her back[/b]
"Looking for armor. I got shot earlier and when it happens again, I don't want it to hurt as much." He smiles, knowing she's Night.
"Ow, I think I have some good armor for that." [b]Astrid opens a cabinet and looks for her last work she made[/b]
"How much do I owe you?" He pulls out his wallet and starts looking through his cash.
"My armor is cheap but strong, I know friends that gather the materials so this will be at least 2,000 dollars."
He pulls out the money, nearly depleting all of his cash. "Mind if I ask you a personal question?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Now, I have nothing against Night, but I've always wondered, do you get crap for being....well Night?"
"Yup, all my life I have been treated like a monster, and I guess some of that has made it into my head."
"Sounds like a living hell."
"You have no idea, but things have been getting better."
"That's good, I guess. I was made fun of because I was too tall." He shrugs and you notice just how tall he actually is: 6'7".
"Wow, you're tall, how's the weather up there?" [b]Astrid says jokingly[/b]
He chuckles a bit. "Pretty decent. How's the weather down there?" He says, joking, obviously.