I played as a warlock for 900 hours (I had 2 warlocks total). I started as a titan when HoW came out, and I totally fell in love with them. Idk y.
I was hyped about sunbreaker cuz I love nordic mythology (Thor, vikings, hammer); I played striker since back in the HoW and trials days and now, I haven't even tried sunbreaker yet cuz I started to love the defender so much in our year2 beta week....
Lol. It doesn't bother me much when I get killed by hammer of sol although I think their damage reduction is a bit too much. A slight nerf would balance it and huntards would finally stop crying... They don't seem to run out of tissue paper yet... Pfffff ;)
#titansmasterrace #\m/
I'm a hunter. And it's not right that even though they buffed GG damage, they can still survive a shot... Not even radiance warcocks can survive one, and at least give them a armor reduction while there super is active....nobody needs 3 sniper rounds to the face
Yeah the damage reduction is pretty crazy but I've gotten team shot by 4 people before and I couldn't even get my second hammer off as if I were some king of nightfall boss.