People before you post a response, this Topic is about the fact that the chest has a small probably of dropping any sort of item or Engram with more people doing the trials, and that some people can get a lucky streak for X amount of trials, and have high payouts.
OK, so as the title states, the Court of Oryx does not pay out to every individual in the arena at the time of the trials. In fact with more people in the trial it seems that there is a lower opportunity for all peoples, excluding the summoner, to get drops... I do not think this wise or fair, as some people may get a lucky streak and keep getting Engrams and Items for a few trials, while others get nothing. I do not see this as fair, as the trials are not dictated by skill. I think an easy way of fixing this issue is to have at least 1 Engram or item drop from the box to even out the drop ratio, where the host generally gets more drops than other players, but people can still at least reap the benefits of doing the trials.
I remember a few days ago me and two of my friends started doing the trials and only me and 1 friend got a luck streak of Engrams and items, while our other friend got nothing, it led to some rather problematic issues, since we kept getting stuff and he got nothing in return. This definitely needs to be addressed, and something needs to be done.
Again I suggest that at least one item or Engram drop from the box so that no one feels left out, and goes on a hate rampage. Especially when there are 8+ people in the trial at once.
I feel the same way. The court never ever dropped good gear for me. And I did it quite a bit.
the summoner gets best rewards. in order to max engram drops for non summoners let the boss live and kill the adds (majors mostly) and then kill the boss at the last second.
Patch came out, and still no fix for the Court of Oryx... These trials are starting to get annoying with no payouts...
People helping out regulary gets a blue engram from killing majors and also get eris rep which gives antiquated roon each rank after 5
Nope You have to charge it three times to get to next level So three people all get something Then three again for level 2 Then 1 for the boss This is the same as how arena except it's the same arena