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Edited by TerranTony98: 12/10/2015 11:48:51 AM

You're a True Titan if... (Old Post)

...You actually don't care if sunbreaker gets nerfed or not! [spoiler]this post was pre nerf, I really like the striker buffs :)[/spoiler] -------------------------------------- I honestly think sunbreaker [b][u]isn't[/u][/b] that Over Powered, however if it were to get nerfed slightly I wouldn't retaliate. Here's why! The entirety of year 1 should be a hallmark for the Titans that managed to do well in crucible in the face of blink shotgunners and supers that simply made ours look obsolete. I commend others who decided to main titan and stick with it. People who primarily played as the other classes had never truly acknowledged that striker and defender titans were kind of underwhelming in multiplayer [spoiler]some people made an exception[/spoiler] saying things like "you have the best grenades and shoulder charge is wayyy too OP dude, you guys don't need a buff. Screw that!" and that's still up for debate. Now sunbreaker [u]seems[/u] more powerful in comparison and they [b]SCREAM[/b] for nerfs. To be honest I would rather earn the respect and recognition of other players (even if they're snobs) by beating them with lousy abilities than have them spit in our faces as if we are some kind of cheating scum. We need to show that we are the better people. Right now is the time of our burning vengeance and that's perfectly fine with me, but if bungie smacks us with their own hammer I would happily be treated like an equal combatant even if it ment becoming lesser. In the lore, being a Titan means showing honor and respect, remembering the sacrifices that you had to fight through to gain it. It translates pretty well into what Y1 PvP was like. People who just moved over to Titan for sunbreaker might not ever get that sense of mentality. Edit: I try to reply to everyone, sorry if I seem annoying :P Edit2: A big thanks for everyone who enjoys my post!! Edit3: Thanks again for keeping the post alive. Warlocks and hunters welcome if respectful!

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  • I play all three characters and I do believe hammer is a little OP. Definitely should not be this strong and heal with every kill you get a bit ridiculous for PvP. Only if they could nerf in PvP and not mess with PvE. But since they don't I would vote against nerf because it works well for PvE let's not make it useless.

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  • I want it nerfed because it's super makes my striker super look weak as hell... They throw 1 god damn hammer and the splash damage is as big as a fist of panic I'm salty

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    • If you chose the "come at me" taunt specifically for your titan

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    • If Destiny were to be a competitive game (in its current state, it can't be competitive), you would see teams of 5 defenders with 1 sunbreaker. Literally 6 titans, because that is the most broken combination imaginable. Maybe even 4 defenders, 1 sunbreaker, and 1 nightstalker so you can cancel the other teams supers. Supers and orbs break this game, to where it would be unplayable at high levels.

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    • Edited by f1owo1f: 10/22/2015 8:17:28 PM
      Ohhh man,I remember the first year always surrounded by hunters and warlocks. I liked how I wanted to keep trying to make Striker work in crucible. Got mah nade throwing down now and I can get a lighting nade anywhere I want it. All those missed FoHs hahaha (More postmortems than actual huts :p) All those bubbles dumped on by dudes rushin me with shottys aka Felwinters snipe. I don't run SB as long as I can help it. Just seems like your waiting to spam your trigger trigger. I like how Defender and Striker require more strategy and skill,instead of spammin hammers hoping everything's dead. +everyone loves that bubble in PvE >~<

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      2 Replies
      • I want their super to stay as is so when I knock them out of super with a suppression grenade I know how bummed and confused they'll be,gearing up for a high chance of a slaughterfest just to get yanked out immediately

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      • Titan since day one and love my fist of panic anyway. Sunbreaker is fun in certain modes same with ward of dawn if with a fire team. Not an a plus crucible player by any means but play the objective like a boss.

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      • I had three Titans all the first year. I only recently made a warlock and my hunter yesterday. My big guy is still my main squeeze and if take a pack of Titans into any game mode, any day.

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      • I don't care because defender.

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      • If sunbreakers can survive a high impact sniper headshot then it's OP

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        6 Replies
        • If you are a true Titan you are eagerly waiting for the 330 Armamentarium to drop.

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          • Edited by DarkMythos: 10/23/2015 12:34:35 AM
            I wouldn't care if it gets nerfed. However, if those bitchy twerps make this happen Reduced armor by 25% Reduced Damage by 75% Reduced Everything by 600% I would be very furious

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          • I main warlock, but I'm using my titan more often now. Sunbreakers don't need nerf

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          • [quote] To be honest I would rather earn the respect and recognition of other players (even if they're snobs) by beating them with lousy abilities than have them spit in our faces as if we are some kind of cheating scum. [/quote] This. I like playing the underdog class and making it shine. Same reason I played a paladin in vanilla WoW where we were considered nothing more than walking buffbots who occasionally healed something. I'm over the Sunbreaker hype and am back to my beloved Defender now.

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            3 Replies
            • Titan vet, but maimed hunter in this dlc, I still like striker [spoiler]shoulder charge 4 days brah[/spoiler]

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            • I'll be a little upset because I only use it in pve and in that genre it's totally balanced

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            • Titan master race

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              • I have 3 Titans (go ahead, call me a casual). Have since Day 1. I personally don't mind either way. I will say that everyone crying nerf every time they get killed by a super or gun gets kind of annoying. I play to have fun. Not to complain every time someone is better than me. And trust me, alot of people are better at Crucible than me!

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              • Very well written. I've been a Titan since day one & have loved every minute of it. (:

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              • Edited by HotdogPartyDays: 10/23/2015 12:04:05 AM
                I like using hammer of sol in PvE. But when it comes to PvP, my first love striker always satisfies me. Something about shoulder charge, and wiping out groups of enemy guardians with my lighting grenade. Specially on Control Point B on Twilight Gap. Can't forget flying arc fists to the face.

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              • If you fist of havoced off the giant cliff drop at the waves door on archon priest strike and spawned 8 orbs of light

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              • It was fun at first but I find myself using my defender in PVE.

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              • A true Titan in my book is someone that uses a fist of havoc on [b]one[/b] person who poses as literally no threat

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                • Suppression nade will always be the best option

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                • There are so many "Die Sunbreakers, Die!" Posts and I just can't believe no one whines about stormtrance. Activate that puppy at the end of a match and its still going when the next match loads.

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                • If there is to be a nerf, relegate it to pvp only. That's the only reason I'm mildly interested in this argument at all.

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