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9/22/2015 11:52:24 PM

SLyN [XBX360]

READ EVERYTHING PLEASE IT'S IMPORTANT! What's up guys, I know none of you actually know me or thinking I'm just spamming people for new members for my clan well to tell you that is very false. Of course the clan will be based on getting member's but not a lot of member's there-for I'll be providing you with information about this clan and other things as well. I also will go into detail about myself and explaining what kind of person and leader I am. So to leave this short I will get right into this, and not make you read +1000 words. So, our clan is based on a competitive team we plan to go pro. I currently have no members, well I do but I making a hole new process of members to get real/understandable players into the clan with the same goals as me. The current name of the clan is aZe we will be changing it to SLyN currently, I might come off of something else as well, so don't worry about getting a gamertag change for another 2 weeks- 1 month. ------------------------------------------------- Now into the clan. The clan will be having 3 members only as this will be a small competitive team like most pro clans. I want member's that relate to me and my mindset as well as goals and others. With the same mindset and goals, we will achieve much than just random members, I want us to grow a relationship in the clan (no homo). Trying out is fairly simple, I will test your skills on Advanced Warfare we also play some other games. ------------------------------------------------- Rules: Respect Loyalty No disrespect Mature player Not a lot of intense language (cursing) Good sport Know your role Listen to the leader!! Ask me before changing GT for clan. Notify me for clan wars No causing clan wars without permission No arguing with members Get along with ppl No cheating No hacking No racial Slurs Help other clan members Activity (Important) 3 hours of practice, inform leader. Others: Practice Exo Shooting Practice Drop Shots Practice jump shots Always play ranked play Going against better ppl makes you better!! If you don't make it into the clan I won't hesitate to deny you, so don't be nervous! GamerTag: aZe Mepxe

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