I did my blade dancer subclass quest before the update and now I can't get the emblem, any ideas on that?
The emblems are from the specific class pvp quest lines.
Ok the crucible quest i have is called "just a handful of bullets..." Seems golden gun related ...Throwing knife kill is asking for.. Is this the same quest for the dancer and stalker then? I think im still missing some quest for the other subclasses
That's the correct quest for the gunslinger atleast. Need throwing knife kills, then grenade kills, then golden gun kills. There are separate quests for the nightstalker and the blade dancer I believe that are along the same lines as that.
Reply so the only subclass i don't use i got the quest for AWESOME!!! Thanks for the info.. And replys I still missing some quests here it seems hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
Well it typically gave me the quest for whatever class I loaded into the tower with. You may not be able to get the other ones until you finish that one first -.-, You're welcome though. Glad to help
I have same issue on my hunter.. Done all 3 subclasses got cloaks and no emblems.. Go to the tower on my warlock for first time since ttk launched and the new voidwalker quest shows for him??? So im confused cause i did the warlock also prior to 9/15 and got the new bonds.. But at least a new voidwalker quest showed up so ??