[b]While the "new king" is absent, all of the Red Baron troops stationed at Freehold quickly load up as much as they can (bout 1/2 of their resources) onto the aircraft carrier. They start up the engines and the troops quietly move along the waves...[/b]
I wake up, and see the resources gone... "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"
[b]All your men are gone along with the carrier.[/b]
"Now, let's find them..." I say, as I find a way to locate them...
[b]None. You are without power, as they set off an EMP when they left[/b]
"Shit..." I say... [spoiler]?!?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]to wat[/spoiler]
*Roe lies in her bunk inside the aircraft carrier, reading from her data-pad* "Ugh, nothing to kill yet but time..."