Thanks for the Fun, Some of You Figured It Out
In Other Words this was a Bait Post
First Attempt got a few feathers Ruffled.
Save Me From The Forum Monsters Tom Cruise
[quote] 2 jobs, a kid and college[/quote] Boasting about an achievement on a video game, while trying to belittle the community that shares your love for the same game. Tisk tisk. One could come back with an insult on how it looks like having to hold two jobs, while attending college and "supposedly" supporting a child, is the result of horrible life choices. And no one in there right mind, in that situation, would try and force time for games. Instead, a wise man would spend that time improving his relationship with their family. Spend it honing whatever skill he may use at work to eliminate the need for two jobs, creating the opportunity to support a family off of one job. (I'm not going to get Into the debt your college degree's gonna run, comparative to the increase in pay you MAY receive in the job field) But you go ahead an gloat about your level 290+ in a video game.